Videos: Comp Studies 2020

Students enrolled in Composition 1 were assigned a final solo study that examined SPACE, MOVEMENT CURIOSITY, SOUND/AUDIO and THEME. Due to COVID-19 students did not have access to campus facilities and were truly challenged to think outside the box and their own comfort zone.



Jillian Taylor

Jillian’s study was original to music by Michael Wall (3 147); in this version the music is Dream House: III. After Dust by Ethel


Emma Rizzutti

Sound design by Emma Rizzutti using music: All Seeing Beings by Alan Ellis ; Text by Alan Watts


Jahnaye Samuel

Jahnaye’s study was created to the music “Strange” by Celeste; Music here is “Moonlight Sonata” by Beethoven


Deven Fuller

Music: Radio (“Free the Mind” Soundtrack) by Jóhann Jóhannsson